Friday, February 26, 2010

NEWS: 1/3/2010 -- 7/3/2010

Last meeting (27/2) was attended only 3 people. I'm sorry due to miscommunication and last minute changes. This week we will focus on sponsor finding and accomodation & transport. So belows are the jobs of the week. Kindly finish it before the meeting.

Generate idea on how to give feedback to our sponsor
-involved in money (sells their products)
-focus on new developed company or products (popularity not very high)

Don't worry about the structure of proposal, Choon Ping is working out on it.
Next week we will start doing the proposal.

Trophy and medal? How?


Response from HEP kolej kediaman and Tune Hotel. Please show me the informations that you have.

Registration form?

Have you done the video clip or slide show? Have you looked out for a graphic software people?

How is the progress of the poster and logo?
Start looking for the potential institute that we needs to invite them to join
-IPTA/S Malaysia, Brunei & Indonesia
-State chess association
-Private sector

Any questions you may put under the comment. I will reply as soon as possible

NExT Meeting on 5 March (fri)
Venue: Bilik Seminar 5, Library
Time: 5.00-6.00pm (technical & publicity)
7.00-8.00pm (protocol & urusetia)

P/s: I try to avoid using SMS to remind/inform u all to come meeting. If u have read through the blog, please write your name below and submit.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Meeting on 26 Feb

Meeting cancelled due to clash with public holiday.... Everyone kindly attend meeting on 27 February (sat) 11am @ library (in front of BS5)....Please attend the meeting if u have no class, exam or activity especially Protocol team. Spread the news to those u know!

p/s: surf this website once a week!

Eng Lik

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Committee Member Info

Hi, I going to use this blog as one of the platform to pass message to you all. Kindly spare 5 till 10 minutes to read this blog every week. As I going to put your job details, suggestion, guideline and status in the incoming post. If you have any question, idea or problem, you are welcomed to post it here. We discuss together!

Work as a team, this activity belongs to us not juz ME! Happy holidays and happy Chinese New Year!

Eng Lik